Grifting my way through the interweb wilderness with a bindle and a lightning bolt

Monday, December 20, 2010

Roots.Run.Deep. Legit Indie Hip Hop from God

Roots.Run.Deep. is hip hop anointed by God and refined by fire. Philip H. simply writes the most refreshing hip-hop lyrics I have ever heard.  He takes a genre over-saturated in tired self-congratulation and braggadocio, and imbues it with real truth and humility.  This is not mainstream Christian Hip Hop (if there is such a thing)--this is Kingdom Hip Hop--music for a generation called to walk with God and change the Earth.

Here is a video he made with a few of his friends; they shot it in three hours and edited it in a few nights on a budget of zero dollars.  Now that is indie-core. The Holy Ghost makes good music.

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